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In a sector where presidential terms are on the decline, Oral Roberts University has defied that trend by signing President William M. Wilson to a 10-year contract extension. Now, according to a university press release, Wilson is officially under contract through 2033.

“As the Board of Trustees spent time contemplating the future of ORU, we believed that asking Dr. Wilson to extend his contract was vitally important. The President has provided visionary and strategic leadership for the past decade, and we have confidence that he will continue to lead the University with distinction. His passion for the students impacts every decision he makes, and we are grateful for his heart for the next generation,” Board of Trustees chair Holly Moore said in a news release.

Oral Roberts has hit record enrollment under Wilson’s leadership.

Wilson has been president of Oral Roberts since 2013. He is only the fourth full-time president in the 60-year history of the private, evangelical institution located in Tulsa, Okla. Founder and namesake Oral Roberts, a well-known televangelist, served as president of the university from 1963 to 1992. He was succeeded by his son, Richard Roberts, who ultimately resigned in scandal in 2007 amid allegations that he and his family had misused university resources. 

Mark Rutland was president from 2009 to 2013 before Wilson was hired.

If Wilson serves out his full term, he will far surpass the average length of service for college presidents, which is now 5.9 years, according to survey responses to the latest American College President Study from the American Council on Education released earlier this year.

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