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Trump's Choice for NEH

Jon Parrish Peede has been leading endowment on acting basis. He has expressed interest in the endowment promoting nonfaculty careers in humanities.

Power of the Purse

NSF starts requiring that institutions report findings of harassment and suspensions in its funded labs and field sites, and reminds institutions that it can pull funding where necessary.

Indirect Costs Back in the Crosshairs

Lawmakers show renewed interest in examining how reimbursements for federally funded research are made to universities but don't yet endorse dramatically lower flat rate outlined in Trump budget.

Adams Out at NEH

Humanities leaders had hoped to see William D. Adams, an Obama appointee, finish his term. The agency is among several targeted for elimination by the White House.

A Focus on Funding

Researchers, academics say communicating about importance of federal funding key to march success.

Marching for Science Internationally

Events advocating for science and research are scheduled around the world Saturday.

NEH on the Chopping Block?

Report that first Trump budget will try to kill arts and humanities endowments alarms many academics. Science programs in Energy Department could also face cuts.

Unprecedented and Unprincipled Adversary

Universities must work together to confront a large, adaptive and well-camouflaged apparatus that aspires to mimic and rival legitimate science, argues U.S. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse.