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Moving Up—and Encountering Problems Along the Way

A survey of California community college leaders found that women of color in president and chancellor positions experienced more racial bias and resistance to their leadership.

Wellesley Students Vote to Admit Trans Men

But college plans to keep its policy of admitting only women. That includes trans women.

A Journal Article on Gay People, to Be Viewed With Caution

A peer-reviewed journal placed a warning to readers last month on a flawed article from 2001. But the journal hasn’t retracted it, as a professor who discovered errors has called for.

‘Black and Queer on Campus’

Author discusses his new book about students who face multiple forms of discrimination.

Wellesley Students Demand Trans Inclusivity

Most women’s colleges don’t allow transgender men to enroll. But students at Wellesley are pushing for that to change—and for administrators to recognize those who already attend.

Students Talking

Classrooms are filled with students who need to think and talk about gender violence, and professors have a unique opportunity to help that happen, Heather Hewett writes.

Lawsuit Alleges Title IX Complaint Drove Cadet to Suicide

The father of a Cal Maritime student who died by suicide has filed a wrongful death lawsuit alleging “anti-male bias” in the university’s response to a sexual assault complaint against his son. The lawsuit also alleges pervasive bullying by classmates about the allegations.

The DeSantis Takeover Begins

Florida governor Ron DeSantis vowed to defund DEI initiatives on the same day his hand-picked trustees convened at New College of Florida and fired the president.