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Of Motherhood and Tenure

Former University of Pennsylvania history professor asserts in a lawsuit that she was denied tenure because she took time off to care for her children.

Tenure Malpractice?

Medical faculty at U. Texas campus oppose uptick in presidential tenure renewal 'vetoes.'

Who Gets to Decide?

Divided federal appeals court backs Miami U. in tenure dispute that related in part to a chair's rejection of external reviewers from historically black colleges.

Tenure as Citizenship

In the current system, tenured professors essentially report to no one, adjuncts are like migrant workers, and administrators have little actual power, Josh Wymore argues.

Negotiated Out of a Job

How one tenure-track candidate's attempts at negotiations resulted in her losing the offer entirely.

Raising the Bar on Faculty

Judge upholds new Florida rules that would link evaluation of professors to such factors as learning gains and job placement.

Caught in the Crossfire

AAUP finds that professor was denied tenure for his role in a conflict between linguistics and TESL faculty, which helped prompt a faculty vote of no confidence in Northeastern Illinois U.'s president and provost.

Changing the Rules

At several campuses, faculty leaders say institutions are unfairly altering tenure criteria as candidates are midway through their probationary periods.