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A Tenure Menu for the ABA

Bar association panel is open to keeping requirement that law schools have some kind of job security for faculty members, but it's still unclear how it will do so.

Newly Tenured ... at Dickinson, Hardin-Simmons, Norwich, Southwestern

The following individuals have recently been awarded tenure by their colleges and universities: Dickinson College David Ball, English Alex Bates...

Budget Woes Are No Excuse

AAUP censures institutions that have eliminated faculty and academic programs during budget crises.

Judged by Unfair Standards?

Leading professors in Middle Eastern studies are stunned by Georgetown scholar's tenure denial. Some blame Middle Eastern politics and others blame the politics of political science.

Split Decision

When Transylvania University's president deferred tenure for two professors based on criteria that had yet to take effect, it was the last straw for the already-frustrated faculty.

A Future Without Tenure

Florida's newest state university announces it will be the first without the traditional form of job security for academics.

Defining Incompetence

Faculty members at Brooklyn Law School raise the alarm about the board's decision to expand the reasons why a tenured professor can have his or her contract terminated.

Digital Pink Slips

Sliding enrollments at for-profit colleges mean less work for adjuncts who teach online. And these faculty cutbacks happen quietly, and sometimes without much warning.